As part of our pre-qualification and onboarding process we require all new suppliers to complete a Supplier Assurance Questionnaire and update it on an annual basis throughout the duration of our relationship.
The questionnaire covers a range of topics including company capability, accreditations, information security, corporate social responsibility, financial history and ethical operations.
The questionnaire and portal to access it, known as JOSCAR, is administered by our partner Hellios, and is a collaborative project amongst buying organisations across the aviation and defence markets.
Suppliers who have already completed the question because they provide goods and services to another registered buying organisation will not have to re-complete the questionnaire as we already have visibility of their registration and access to their responses.

JOSCAR is a tool used by the aerospace industry for pre-qualification and compliance information.
Potential suppliers will only be invited to join JOSCAR as part of a procurement activity and we request that companies do not contact us asking to be added. Small and medium sized organisations are able to register on the Hellios SME Portal.
Purchase Orders are issued, and Invoices received, electronically via the SAP Business Network (formerly called the Ariba Network) and the onboarding process requires suppliers to create an account with the network if they don’t already have one.