NATS consultation on changes at Stansted

31 July 2014

A 12-week consultation is underway on a proposal to change the use of the existing routes for departures to the east and south of Stansted Airport.  No new routes are proposed, only different usage of the existing routes.

The proposed changes are key to achieving network efficiency and reducing delays in the south and are an important part of the London Airspace Management Programme, NATS’ wider programme to modernise the air route system over London and the south east. This is essential for the delivery of the Future Airspace Strategy (FAS), the Civil Aviation Authority’s blueprint for modernising airspace by 2020.

The proposal aims to direct the majority of daytime flights from Stansted that currently fly on a route heading south from the airport, onto the existing route heading to the east. This is in order to avoid Heathrow traffic congestion, which currently keeps aircraft low, often below 7,000ft until the Thames Estuary and sometimes well into Kent.

Switching daytime traffic from the south to the east departure route will allow the flights to climb continuously, reducing CO2 emissions and overall noise. It will eliminate regular daytime departures for a large area to the south of the airport, but in doing so would double the number of flights on the existing route to the east.

Whilst the driver for change is around network performance, there are local efficiency benefits too and the consultation is being supported by Stansted Airport.

The consultation is primarily through the airport’s consultative committee and engagement is open to the public to respond via

Find out more on the NATS blog.


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