Airline Customers
Working collaboratively with our airline customers
We understand that every Airline has different needs of their Air Traffic Service (ATS) providers.
These can be governed by business models and drivers, the different regulatory frameworks that exist around the globe, market forces, and global & regional growth patterns. Some differences are distinct and some are subtle but all are important, so ATS providers must respond to all.
The NATS Customer Affairs team provides a focal point for the requirements of our airline customers. Our aim is to achieve cross-border operational harmonisation through alliances such as Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs), and to support cross-industry harmonisation.
We work collaboratively with our airline customers to achieve shared goals by;
- Developing an industry safety culture
- Optimising ATM network capacity
- Generating ideas for fuel saving network improvements
- Developing the technical aspects of UK airspace design
- Reviewing customer-specific service delivery to identify improvements
- Consulting on NATS investment programmes and performance targets
- Managing a Customer Satisfaction index that enables NATS to continuously improve our service
Aiming to deliver the best in Customer Relations to Airlines by working in a collaborative style
- Exploring new ideas and opportunities
- Building trust with our customers
- Building robust, open relationships to develop mutual benefits
- Being fair, transparent and fully inclusive regardless of revenue or movements
- Listening to customer needs and responding
- Demonstrating a true understanding of customer business and the drivers for performance and cost
- Keeping customers at the heart of our decision making
Operational Information
The Customer Affairs team fosters a close working relationship with airlines. Each Account Manager maintains regular communication to help inform tactical decisions that optimise daily operations. This is further supported through the Airspace Capacity Management cell and Customer Gateway website.
In the event of an incident that has caused, or is likely to cause, a significant reduction in the airspace, airport facilities or airline services for a substantial period, NATS will initiate an incident management process known as ATICCC.
The Air Traffic Incident Co-ordination and Communication Cell (ATICCC) provides a focal point for communication between airlines, airports, ATC organisation and media, via structured teleconferences, the NATS Customer Gateway website, emails and text messages. ATICCC has been activated during major events such as the 2012 Olympics and at times of crisis affecting UK and Irish airspace such as the Icelandic volcanic eruptions in 2010.
NATS shares all operational information, including ATICCC updates through the Customer Gateway.
Customer Forums
There are a number of forums available for NATS’ airline customers to engage with us and find out about our plans, ensure their voices are heard and work collaboratively with us to drive continuous improvement in Air Traffic Management. The following is a subset of these forums:
- Operational Partnership Agreement
- Safety Partnership Agreement
- Customer Awareness Courses
- Lead Operator Airspace Design
- Queue Management Airline stakeholder forum
Details of future Customer Meetings are available to our Airline and Airport Customers, through the Customer Gateway.
Find out more about our code of practice for managing customer relationships.
For more information please contact the Customer Affairs team on E-mail [email protected].