Do it online

Quick links to online tools and resources regularly used by our customers, suppliers and partners:

Assisted Flight Plan Exchange (AFPEx)

File Flight Plans online via AFPEx which connects to the Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network (AFTN).

Aeronautical Information Service (AIS)

We provide this as a specified service under the Air Traffic Services Licence granted to us from the Minister of State for Transport.

Building and tall structure pre-planning application form

A technical and operational assessment of the proposed development, including impact on NATS en-route and airport services.

Customer gateway

A restricted access website dedicated to our customers with up to the minute business and operational information.

Denmark/Iceland Charge Rates

Denmark/Iceland Charge Rate information in GBP and at given exchange rates.

NATS AIS Internet Briefing System Contingency

If the NATS AIS NOTAM website is unavailable you can view Contingency PIBs which are updated every hour.

Non Directional Beacon (NDB) Measurements application

NDB systems provide a navigation capability to suitably equipped aircraft and therefore need to comply with SARPs.

Non-Standard Flight applications

A Non-Standard Flight is an aerial task that does not follow published routes or notified procedures. Apply via our system.

Test Flights

A test flight takes place within CAS that uses the ATS Route network for purposes such as: Maintenance flights, Demo flights, Fear of Flying flights, Northern Lights, Santa flights, Charity flights etc.

Drone and Model Aircraft

For all commercial and recreational Small Unmanned Aircraft flight requests within controlled or restricted airspace (including FRZs)

Wind farm pre-planning applications

A technical and operational assessment of the proposed development, including impact on NATS en-route and airport services.

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