Test Flights

Test Flights

What is a Test Flight?

A test flight is a flight that takes place within CAS that uses the ATS Route network for purposes such as: Maintenance flights, Demo flights, Fear of Flying flights, Northern Lights, Santa flights, Charity flights etc. This list is not exhaustive.

Why are they different?

Test flights usually (but not always) depart from and land at the same aerodrome and this would be prevented by the city pair level cap. If the original flight plan proposed is nonstandard and doesn’t follow normal procedures, this also may encounter RAD restrictions. Flights also sometimes have specific requirements. For example: a particular flight level or levels, a STAY, a specific length of flight or area of operation.

What impact can they have on traffic/the operation?

Some test flights require more coordination than others. This may involve asking other agencies such as the Military to provide all or part of the service. If a test flight has specific requirements, we need to ensure the controller working the flight is aware and during busy periods it might not be possible to cover everything required or the flight may need to be rescheduled. We also need to ensure that our internal FDP reflects the route of the flight in order for the relevant sectors to get the required information. Sometimes this may mean altering the route and or FL.

How much notice is required?

We require 2 working days notice in order to allow us to co ordinate an appropriate route and ensure that all areas receive relevant information. As above, we may also need to co ordinate with other agencies such as the Military.

How do I request a Test Flight?

Requests should be emailed to [email protected]. The inbox is monitored between 0800-2000 Monday to Friday. Urgent requests outside of these hours, with less than 2 days’ notice, will be actioned subject to operational resource.

What info should Operators provide?

It is important to provide us with the correct level of information to ensure we can process your request quickly.

When submitting a request please ensure the following information is included:

  1. Date of Flight 
  2. Departure / Destination Aerodrome 
  3. EOBT 
  4. Callsign 
  5. Aircraft Type 
  6. RFL 
  7. Requested Route (if known) 
  8. Duration required (if applicable)
  9. Any special requirements   
  10. Contact details


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